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     TO - NAME                           DEPT.                       DIVISION               PLANT/OFF1CE
                 'H. P. Bruns
     FROM - NAME                         DEPT.                       DIVISION                PLANT/OFFICE
                  W. P. Wright

                  Analysis of Vibration Data From Talladega Test

                           The vertical and lateral acceleration data recorded on 1/2 inch magnetic tapes

                   during theJime tests at Talladega, 20 - 25 August 1969, indicated that the ^vibration
            of                                  7*C.7 /7 m, / /,r'

                   some body organs^ Visual analysis of the data stripped out on the Brush pen recorder

                   confirmed that all the factors were present. It is however, not practical to correlate
                                                 <*T 3
                  completely such data by handy^nethods,

                                                     been working with                     neering pn a computer
                                                         Jz \

                  program to /reduce such data aj\d establish definite correlations w£ it b ody related data, \

                                                    operated, and provided the necessary^omputer-4ime-4©

                          The results   are plotted in Figure 1 o The solid lines represent th^Tulladega

                  test  vibration data,  the dotted linesxrepresent vibration data limits established by
                                        4^f-l            \           /           \      /              \
                         ■i            ____ during tests 'of human subjects to establish acceptable tolerance

                                                                        ■ j L                   -c.
                  limits for-th£ Air Force.                  ,„ ,,
                                                                              fe So f? ■ -
                                                                  ' ■ - F /
                          The Talladega test data correlates with                          data md indicates
                            /                                                                   i /
                  that vehicle vibratioh inputs to the drivers seat are capable of exciting tie resonant
                                                                                                ;he resonant
                       . I \                    /           \ / V \7                                       \
                                                                                                 V L
                                                            \Z| V/
                           , z v /
                   Lrpquenctes of body organs such as the chest cavity, head, eyeballs, heart, and lungso
                          It must be noted that the accelerometers were located on the roll cage at seat
                  level just behind the driver and doe^ not measure the actual inputs to the drivers

                  spinal column (the critical inputl^may vary somewhat due to seat structural

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