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        By JOE DOWDALL          spots a id showed three cuts or   doing this but we’d rather   superspeedway. Fords have
       Detroit News Snorts Writer  separations.             break a car or a tire than one   won all 12 races this season on
     TALLADEGA, Ala.-                                       of us.”                        the superspeedways.
                                 “EITHER THE TIRES are                                       The reason is the new Dodge
    The fate of the $120,000    not ready to take the 190 to   Should .today’s inspection not   Daytonas.
    Talladega 500-mile race     195 mile an hour speeds or else   show any foreign objects which   The Daytonas are the same
                                                            have been causing the tire fail­
    scheduled for. tomorrow     there is something foreign in   ures, the drivers plan to have   Dodge . Charger “500’s” the
                                the track causing the right                                drivers have been racing all
    hinges on an inch-by-inch   tires vo have trouble,” said   representatives of their newly   year except for a lo» g shark”
                                                            formed professional drivers’
    inspection of the new $5    Charles Blanchard, director of   association meet with France   nose and a stablilizer mounted
    million Alabama Interna­    racing for Goodyear.        to make the next step.         'on the back.
                                 “That is why we have called   “We stick our neck out        The engine (Chrysler’s 426
    tional Motor Speedway      ’for minute inspection of the                               hemi) the body, the chassis
    today.                      track to see if the crushed   every time we climb into a   and everything else are the
                                                            car,” said Richard Petty,
     In an unprecedented move in   granite; base may be wearing   president of the PDA. “But   same.
    stock car racing, the drivers   through’the asphalt and caus­  none of us are foolish enough   But the new lov profile
    held a post-qualifying tire test   ing the tire failures.”  to play Russian roulette for.   front end designed t > reduce
   date yesterday in hope the lat­  Bill France, president of the   the sake of the show going   drag and the wing-stabilizer in
    est made race tires of Good-   speech* ay as well as head of   on.”                    the back have added 10 miles
    year and Firestone would hold   NASCAR, the overpowering   The Alabama speedway is    , an hour to the Doc ge*s top
                                governing body of stock car                                speed.
   up on the rugged 2.66 mile                               nearly a bowl with the turns
   course.                      racing, ordered the inspection.   banked 33 degrees and the   “There’s no comparison be­
                                 “If we find anything which
     The drivers have been      has erased the tire failures, we   front straightaway 18 degrees.   tween the two cars, ’ Glotz­
   plagued all vveek with their,   will e ther remove it or fix it   In comparison, the turns at   bach said. “You dcu’t even
   tires separating in their high   if there is time. We will do   Michigan International Speed­  drive as.hard and yet you go
   speed runs on the untried    everything possible to hold the   way are only 18 degrees. They   faster with the Daytona. We
                                                                                           used to drive our Chargers at
   track. Goodyear pulled its tires                         are only nine degrees at In­
   which were especially ’ made   race as scheduled.”       dianapolis.                    7,400 revolutions per minute to
   fur the track Wednesday after   The Talladega “500” is the   The top of the track in the   • try to stay with the Fords and
                                                                                           hoped the engines w .aid stay
   the first day qualifiers pulled   first >ace on the high-speed   turns is 58 fert higher than   together. ■
   in with cut and split tires.  oval which was designed and   ■ the bottom. T e turns would
                                built to be the fastest race   be like placing a ladder at   “DOWN HERE with the new
     Both Goodyear and Firestone
   changed the composition of   track in the world.         33 degrees against a.five-story   front. end and the s tabilizer,
   their tires but in yesterday’s   Eigl t of the factory drivers   building.              we are turning oi )y 7.060
   trials even the new tires cut or   broke the closed course record   The forces of gravity in the   rpms and going fasfei ”
                                of 190.702 mile§ .an hour by
   parted.             •                                    turns and the roughness of the.   All the Dodge team drivers,
     The factory drivers, seven   more than six miles an hour in   track caused the right front   share Glotzbach’s enthusiasm
   from Dodge and five from     their qualifying runs.       fenders of the Fords to blister   for. the new cars.
                                 ■ But the drivers have pro­
   Ford, asked for the 11th hour   tested all week that the track   where the hot tires pound .   “Lets face it,” , sa d Bobby
   tire tests after-the qualifying'                          against the top of the fender...   Isaac, “even the Fold drivers
                                was extremely rough and haz­  “There’s nothing like it any­  felt sorry fGr us on the super­
    trials were completed yester­  ardous.                                                 speedways. They beat us 12
    day.                          “It’s not the tires* fault,”   where,” said Cale Yarborough.   straight times and k ew they
     Pale sitter Charlie Glotzbach,   said unior Johnson, a former   “We are moving at 220 miles   could take us practically any
    who set a world close course   drivei who now heads the Ford   an hour going into the first tun’   time they wanted.
   record of 199.466 miles an hour   team of Lee Roy Yarbrough.   and again on the back stretch.   “But now they ar* hardly
    in a new Dodge Daytona, and   “Every time a driver goes   “That’s why v e can’t take any   talking to us. They respect
    Ford’s Donnie Allison were   around the track, it’s different.   chances on anything but a per­  these new cars and are wor­
    picked by the drivers to run   “T1 ere are either new holes   fect track. Every driver will   ried. They are saying the new
    the tests on both* brands of   or new patches. Some of the   be too busy di Iving to do much   ’ cars may not held up. But we’ll
    tires.                      patches cause the tires to   racing.”                      see about that tomorrow.”
     The Firestones parted a n d   bounce and at those speeds   YARBOROUGH and his Ford     Dodge engineers strapped ev­
    blistered in just eight quick   they -ire bound to break when   teammates have had to go all   erything in front of t ..e radia­
    laps and were withdrawn from   they contact the surface   out for the fi st time trying tu   tor on the Chargers <“>d added
    the race. Glotzbach’s Daytona   agair.”                  keep up with the Dodges on a  an 18-inch long nose < one. The
    suffered a broken suspension                                                           cone is wedgeshaped, designed
    arm when it hit a hole in ths   ALLISON, WHO had been the                              to split rather than push the
    third turn and he was forced to   fastest qualifier of the day with                    air.      - . ...
    pull in and change cars.    a speed of 197.347, said as he
                                climbed into his car to make                                      Cccmvtw c   Ci  '- “S
      On his second try, the tires
    on Glotzbaeh’s car blistered in  the • ist: “We mav be nuts for
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