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                                                                              FILE                DATE
                                                                                                   February 9, 1970
     TO - NAME                                                       DIVISION                PLANT/OFFICE
                                         DLPT’ Special
                H. P. Bruns               Vehicle Development          Engrng. Office           Highland Park
     FROM - NAME                                                     DIVISION                PLANT/OFFICE
                                             Circuit Racing
                W. P. Wright              Test Operations              Space                    Huntsville
     subject:   ACTIVITY REPORT
                JANUARY 1970

                A. Summary of Accomplishments During Januar                      1970

                        The Dodge Daytona test vehicle wa         s prepa  1.  O  C L  and instrumented for
                track  testing of the D-4 head engine and         the D-4   heads, plus a 180° crankshaft
                engin  e. Only the 180° crankshaft engine with D-4 heads was tested at Daytona
                on J a  nuar  23-25, 1970. Original tests scheduled at Talladega were cancelled
                on two occasions due to severe cold wave conditions.

                       The Riverside 500 mile race was            u ored with the computer system m
                the Mobile Control Center.

                       The pit-to-driver communication system was utilized by Bobby Allison
                in the Riverside 500 race.

                        1.     Test Vehicle Operations

                               The  Dodge Daytona was rebuilt and prepared for oval track testing
                at Talladega foil   owin    road course tests in Riverside during December.

                               Initial test preparations were made for Talladega during tne week
                of January 5, 1970. An engine with D-4 heads and a new exhaust system was
                installed for the first series of tests. A severe cold wave with daytime maxi­
                mum temperature of 17° caused cancellation of this test and rescheduling to
                January 20, 1970 following the Riverside race.

                engine front mount was fitted to the test car with             ovisions to interchange
                engines and mounts in the cha sis (’ 69 model).

                               The Talladega test for Januar         20 was again     cancelled due to another
                cold wave and th       vehicle moved to Daytona for tes ting J       anua     23-25 an   nJ  O u  r  ro    n
                to run durability tests on the new engine.

                               During initial runs Januar         N)  co  and 24,  oblems with the fuel
                  ystem occurred and resulted in fuel starvation to the engine during runs.
                The problem was traced to           fuel pickup line incorrectly installed in the fuel
                 n  ell during rebuild at Nichels Engineer in        in November 1969.

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