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                                                                                FILE                DATE
       TO - NAME                           DEPT.                       DIVISION               PLANT/OFFICE
                 H. Bader, Jr.
       FROM - NAME                         DEPT.                       DIVISION               PLANT/OFFICE
                W. P. Wright

       SUBJECT:                          Trip Report to Daytona - 2-5 July 1968

                          The writer met with Messrs. Ro Marcell, Lo Rathgeb, G. Wallace,

                R. Lechner and J. Vaughn at Daytona International Speedway on 3 July 1968, to

                review pre-race car preparations and discuss race car aerodynamics and yaw

                angle measurement concepts. Photographs were taken in turns of vehicle slip

                or yaw angles.                      \ vCL o r*      ovx               Q—X    4
                                     T O Y\
                          Mr. Marcell showed considerable interest in a concept using an aircraft

                directional gyro for recording absolute vehicle slip; also, interest was indicated in

                a relative wind directional, vane-type indicator concept. Both of these concepts

                appear to merit investigation due to the basic simplicity and low cost.

                          A light-weight telemetry system for more complete vehicle performance

                measurements was also discussed with Mr. Marcell since there is a definite lack

                of positive information on total vehicle performance during competitive trials and

                events, although some measurements have been taken at the Chrysler Proving Grounds

                using^recorders carried in the vehicle.

                          During the race competition, Chrysler vehicles appeared competitive

                performance-wise with Ford and Mercury vehicles which were observing regulations.

                Dodge and Plymouths appeared to suffer from a lack of pre-race preparation and

                factory assistance (Petty ran the race with his old qualification engine which finally

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