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JOE W; DAVIS                                                                                   JIM STURDIVANT
             MAYOR                                                                                       ADMINISTRATIVE ASST.

        Pi stribution:
        -4. E. Douyard                  GOVERNED BY MAYOR  AND CITY COUNCIL
        L. D. Holmes                                     *
        W. P. Wright - ACTION
                                        .HUNTSVI LLE,        ALABAMA

                                                                                         City of Huntsville N unicipal Building

                   Mr.     9  H. Jackson, Manager
                   Contracts Office
                   Chrysler Corporation
                   102 Wynn Drive
                   Hunt sv i11e, A1 abama

                   Dear Mr. Jackson:

                   Please reference ybur letter of request for use of old
                   airport property dated October 6, 1970. The City of
                   Huntsville is happy to extend to Chrysler the use of
                   old airport facilities through December, 1970, in
                   accordance with conditions outlined for prior use of
                   the property.

                   I am also advised that the airport property will be used
            ' a---by the Tennessee Valley Sportscar Club on October 15
                   •through 18 and you will have to coordinate any use you
               - •have during this period with Mr. Hugh Morgan, Jr.,
                   Sportscar Club Race Chairman. Mr. Morgan may be reached
                   at 2015 Brookline Drive, Huntsville, Alabama, 35810.

                                                                   Very truly yours,

                                                                   Joe W* Davis

                   co:  Mr. B. J. Pearsall
                          Mr. Woosley Finnell
                          Capt. Barney Harding
                          Mr. E. Cantey Cooper