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May 1, 1968


            J. E. Vaughn                       3860                Engineering Office Highland Park

                 ect:              nEH Series B-Body 3/8      U3  o  ft  i— i   Wind Tunnel Models
            C O

                  Reference:    I.C.C. to F. W. Deady from R. P. Marcell dated 8/18/68, same

                                 subject as above.

                    H -  C O    Q  us  c o    ons with personnel involved in preparation of 3/8-scale models of race
                  cars      C D  EW-29, EM-23, ER-23) have led to the formulation of the enclosed

                  schedule. Due to the pressing need for wind tunnel data on these cars a rather

                  tight schedule has been dictated. It is therefore requested that each acti-

                 vity stay cognizant of these dates and that any unforeseen delays  o               (D  eported

                  immediately to this writer.

                 Further, it should be pointed out that two variations have been made from the

                  referenced memo*       irst, three complete body forms are now required, rather

                 than the common afterbody situation described m the paragraph 2 of the refer­

                  ence memo. Secondly, two underbodies will be required in order to facilitate

                 model manufacture. This is in difference to paragraph three of the reference

                 memo. All other requirements remain the same.

                 Any questions concerning the subject activity should be referred to the writer

                 at extension 8861.

                                                                                    J. E. Vaughn


                 cc:   H.  P. Bruns
                              Pilkey —
                              Wright v
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