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                             The Weather Report                                                Huntsvillian,

                                                                                               Astro Swayed
               being                                      Data From U.S. WEATHER BUREAU - ESSA
               ns, is
               rpora-                                                                            Continued From Page One
               logra-                                                                          condition, they could withstand
                                                                                               the peculiar stress.”
               snt is                                                                           Auto racing requires a degree
                who                                                                            of physical conditioning unsus­
               >iness                                                                          pected by the average specta­
                                                                                               tor. Some physiologists contend
               i Los                                                                           it is the most demanding of all
               1 Co-                                                                           sports.
                iy on                                                        70 Showers H if HI  Wright said that when he
                ns of                                                                          heard of the strange physical
                                                                                               reactions of some of the drivers,
                :used   FORECAST                                 njjb'                         he decided to telephone astro­
                dver-                               70                                         naut Tom Stafford at the Hous­
                well   Figures Show Low Temperatures Expected!1);                              ton space center. Stafford agreed
                d a
                       Until Saturday Morning                                                  that the reactions were similar
                \sso-                                                                    1     to his own experiences in NASA
                      holaud Precipifatson Not Indicated— Consul! Local Forecast               test vehicles. Wright said he
                ated Showers are forecast Friday for the Cooler temperatures are expected in    “If I were at Talladega, I
                     Southeast, Southwest and Northwest, the Great Lakes area and Northwest.   would not try to race tomor­
                                                                          (AP Wirephoto Map)
                                                                                                It apparently was then that the
                      ALABAMA: Becoming most­  ening Saturday. Lows tonight  above normal.     top-drawer drivers decided not
                     ly cloudy and cooler with  50s and low 60s, highs Sat­  Highs yesterday, lows last   to go.
                     scattered showers or thun­  urday mostly upper 70s.  night and 24-hour precipitation   Hazards Blamed
                     dershowers today, tonight  Sunday, partly cloudy and  ending at 7 a.m. today:
                     and Saturday. High today  mild with chance of afternoon  Atlanta  90  70  0  Today, the drivers who with­
                     84 to 92. Lows tonight 64  showers.               Boston      62  48   0  drew said they did so because of
                     to 70. Highs Saturday 78 to 84   ★ ★ ★            Chicago     64  60   0  hazardous and non-professional
                     north, 82 to 86 south.    High Thursday: 89; low: 70.  Denver  78  52  0  racing conditions and the refusal
                             ★ ★ ★             Normal High: 86; low: 62.  Houston  91  72   .01 of track management to take
                      TENNESSEE: Variable      Sunrise Saturday: 6:33  Los Angeles  77  62  0  necessary corrective actions.
                     cloudiness through Saturday  a.m.; sunset: 6:46 p.m.  Minneapolis  62  55  0  The PDA, in a statement, scor­
                     with slight chance of show­  Precipitation: 0.19 inches  New Orleans  89  71  .01 ed Bill France and NASCAR for
                     ers south portion today and  Thursday; 2.39 inches in Sep­  New York  68  51  0  what they called “indifference to
                     tonight, over the area Satur­  tember.            St. Louis   74  52   0  the drivers’ safety.” They said
                     day. Showers most likely   Total precipitation: 47.27   Seattle  67  55  .46 they had told France as early
                     during the afternoon and ev­  inches, which is 11.12 inches  Washington  73  54  0  as July 24 that the track layout
                                                                                               was extremely rough.
                                                                                                Yet Ken Rush drove his Ca­
                 2UX I
                                                                                               rn ar o 400 miles at speeds over
                 |New Era Dawns                                        Cities League           175 mph last Saturday to win
                                                                                               the GT race at' Talladega. And
                                                                                               he said he did it on one set of
                                                                                               Firestone tires.
                                                                       Still Opposed
                 ;he                                                                            And Sunday’s winner said he
                     In Defense Cost                                                           ments.
                  be                                                                           suffered no physical impair­
                  la­                                                                            Brickhouse said yesterday that
                  in                                                   To Bonds Tax Larry Rathged, engineering co­
                  lU-  By H. L. SCHWARTZ III   from the emergency fund.                        ordinator for Chrysler, had ask­
                  ir-    Associated Press Writer  Although they lost all other at­  MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP)_  ed him if he wanted to go to
                  ie  WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen­  tempts to chip away money for  The Alabama League of Munic­  Houston for tests. The North
                    ate critics of defense costs say a  hardware, they did get written   ipalities has restated its position  Carolina farmer said he told
                    new era has opened in public   into the bill some restrictions on          Rathged, “not at my own ex­
                    awareness of Pentagon spend­  chemical and biological warfare   of opposition to the taxing of pense.”
                    ing despite their crushing defeat  materials.     municipal bonds. It also called  Brickhouse said he has “driven
                    on attempt after attempt to trim   They also won approval of  on U.S. Sens. John Sparkman   a lot of tractors rougher than
                    a $20-billion bill for military   some safeguards on defense  and James Allen to work for the  that track.” He admitted odd
                  s  hardware.               contractors, a $2.5 billion ceiling               vibrations and said he changed
                  1-                         on aid to Laos and Thailand and   defeat of a proposal to do away  right tires without curing them.
                  r  “We have made a good fight,”                     with the tax exempt status.  When he changed all four tires,
                    said Democrat William Prox-   several studies on the future
                    mire of Wisconsin, a leader in   role of weapons approved in the   “The very fact that Congress  he said, the vibrations stopped.
                                                                                                 Brickhouse added that when
                    the two-month battle that ended   bill.           is even considering it is running
                                                                      interest rates for schools and  he moved to a higher groove on
                    Thursday night with passage of
                   h                                                  municipalities to their highest  the track where others weren’t
                    the bill.                                         point in history,” John Watkins,  running, it got smoother.______
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