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                       1. Background:           Ae   odynamic testing of complete automobiles has been

               and will continue to be to a certain extent an ’’after the fact” or after the basic

                c d  tyling configuration    C D  been decided upon. The non-technical styling functions

               may have insufficient recognition of aerodynamic factors affecting overall car

               performance. The resulting automobile design is not optimum in so far as body

               aerodynamic or cooling systems are concerned through no fault of the designers

               and stylists. It has been shown that minor changes in individual body or trim

                n  omponents can make an appreciable difference in the overall automobile con­

               figuration aerodynamic factors.

                       Past aerodynamic programs have been directed mainly toward ’’fixing”

               race car configurations which involves a rather expensive process of changing

                IT.  ubtle features of the final car design by incorporating special components and/or

               releasing additional components for specific models.

                       In recognition of the economics of designing sound aerodynamic shapes into

               the basic automobile configuration and components rather than changing afterwards,

               this propo al is aimed at        rovidrn   00  engineers and stylists with a handbook of tested
                            r j}
               and    roven aerodynamic automobil           u omponent^ design     c n  illustrated in a manner

               that non-technical styling personnel can comp             ehend. In this manner,         tylists can

               partially obtain an understanding of favorable component configurations and shap  O

               their designs during initial phases. It is visualized that a program such as this could

               have a profound effect eventually on automobile styling as aerodynamics and styling

               blend together as witnessed in modern aircraft.
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