Page 6 - Combined_138_OCR
P. 6

Utility of the tunnel will be of prime concern. It would be desirous that

              the tunnels have conducted automobile tests in the past. The tunnel must be

              adaptable to a ground plane. For full scale testing it would be desirous to

              have a dynamometer arrangement in the test section. Sufficient instrumentation

              must be available to assure successful test data. The data collection apparatus

               should be capable of providing the desired data accuracy and yielding data in

              coefficient form, in a short pe 4      iod of time. All the above information will be

                resented in tabular form in handbook fashion to aid in facility selection. For
              increased data validity, it is desirable that experimental data be obtained in more

              than one facility. For this reason several facilitie           -j}  may  U   D  C  selected in which

              tests will be conducted. To help resolve any scale effects, several different size

              models may be investigated (i. e. , full-scale, 3/8 scale). Before final selection

              of a facility or facilities is made, personal inspection of the candidate tunnel(s)

               should be made and the tests discussed with tunnel             ersonnel to insure complete

              understanding on test items.

                      3.     Test Planning and Model Design: Test planning will require input

              and guidance from Central Engineering personnel since a complete gamut of

              parameters could be covered during a test or a series of tests. Such items as

              bumper shape, headlamp fairing, windshield wrap around, windshield slop                     D  C

              fast back slope, wheel well opening           and rear-end shape are all significant.

              Close coordination will be conducted during this phase to insure the desired

              results will be achieved. It is anticipated that the earlier literature search

              will resolve some of these parameters and reduce the testing required. Within

              the scope of the test, however, other parameters must be considered.
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