Page 2 - Combined_76_OCR
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                                                                                CODIt                      9 March
                                          DCFf.                                                fXANT/Ornce
      TO • NAM*                                                        DIVI3ION  ProcLPlannin
           P. E. Pclderficld                        17A0               ft Development Staff      1i4n       pp rk
      fllOM • NAM*                        PCTT,                        DIVISION                ruAMT/utrics
  I            P. Lindsay                           A33O               ■J5nrJ.nagrJar..Q££lii£   !H,»hlnnd Park
      •ua/ccn  fecpcsed chassis dynamometer wind tunnel for engine
                COOLING SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT '           I        t* i   •
                                                »        i      .3  I ,   .

                            Chrysler Corporation opcndo in tho neighborhood of C?5 million
                      annually for radiators plus tho coot of tho other engino cooling •,'»
                      system components. Thia amount could be,significantly reduced with 1  •
                      added facilities for improved test methods. Releases arc baaed
                      primarily on road testa run at the Proving Grounds. The test                                  *
                      objectives in determining the release requirements are 1) to assure •
                      adequate cooling for the models most difficult to cool and 2) to ■■                        ••  ’’
                      meet cooling performance standards at minimum cost on models re­
                      quiring loss than maximum capacity ^components.                              .      -        '

                            Tho objectives Just mentioned are not being satisfactorily
                      attained. Thero is no suitable faddAiry or method available for
                      properly testing engine cooling on air conditioned cars. This re­
                      sults in high risk of either costly "over design" or serious field .                          •
                      complaints.                          [                 »
                           *                               I                                              '   .   * ' .
                                                  *        I                   ‘                                 ’ V
                             For cars where minimum cooling system co3t is the primary
                      objective, road testing to determine cooling system requirements is
                      less than adequate. Tho engine hoat rejection in each car tested
                      should be measured and rated to evaluate tho radiator capacity re­
                      quirement. This cannot bo done presently. Ambiont temperature changes
                      require the application of correction factors which may be difficult ' . ’
                      to determine and of questionable accuracy. Other uncontrollable                          :
                      weather conditions result in test variations and inaccuracies. V<ith- •
                      out going into further detail,' releases based on road test must be •
                      made on a conservative basis at added cost to allow a "margin for
                      error" relative to cooling standards. It should also be added that
                      tho development of roalistic cooling standards for maximum cost
                      savings is dependent upon establishing accurato knowledge of-pro­
                      duction car cooling performance levols.

                            Importance to tho company of adequate engine cooling development
                      cannot bo minimized when consideration it  given to tho role played                           I  «
                      in satisfactory car ojxjration,^ warranty <■: xpenso, styling limitations,
                      car aerodynamic problems, and no in/licatn d, tho economic implications
                      of high volumo production.                                 .1'                          r
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