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                                                                              Union/Pure Oil

                                                                     Performance Trials

                                           By Hartley W. Barclay
                                                Editor and Publisher
                                           AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRIES

                                          Sixty Standard American Passenger Cars representing the products
                                          of the “Big Four” manufacturers completed NASCAR supervised tests
                                          at the Daytona International Speedway, Daytona Beach, Fla., in January.
                                          The records established provide any analyst with data from which to com­
                                          pute his own estimate of a preferred choice of vehicle based on perform­
                                          ance tests.
                                            All cars were purchased from showroom floors across the nation by
                                          teams from NASCAR. Following purchase, cars were checked carefully
                                          by NASCAR to insure that they were stock models. Then the vehicles
                                          were impounded under a 24-hour guard until the actual trials started.
                                          They also were scrutinized by vigilant NASCAR experts during the five
                                          days of trials. Complete official results are reported herewith:

                                                                     SEE ENTRIES AND RESULTS, NEXT PAGE ►

            Automotive Industries, March 15, 1969                                                              73
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