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of thermal underwear, ear muffs,   ria., i?uj uuuye, uu wpjs, juiwwiwimb™™
  c                                                      2.  Hoss Ellington, Wilmington, N.C.,   28.  Boscoe Lowe, Asheville, N.C., 1965
  fen-Sydney 76     gloves and anything else that      1964 Ford, 120, $4,150.           Ford, 74, $300.
                    might help keep them warm today      3.  Bobby Allison, Hueytown, Ala., 1963   29.  Alton Jones, Pleasant Grove, Ala.,
                    at the Daytona 500.                Ford, 120, $2,400.                1960  Ford, 73, $300.
  League                                                 4.  Bill Wimble, Rome, N.Y., 1961 Pon­  30.  Bubba Into, Charleston, S.C., 1965
  I      Won LOS”<   Fans who attended the Saturday    tiac, 118, $1,400.                Plymouth, 72, $300.
           6   1    NASCAR 300, and went un­             5.  Jeff Hawkins, Greenville, S.C., I960   31.  Aaron' Gailey, ' Lavonia, ' Ga., ’*1964
           5   1    prepared, froze in cold, biting    Ford, 118, $1,000.                Ford, 70, $300.
           5   1                                         6.  Rod Eulenfeld, Jacksonville, Fla.,   32.  Lee Roy Yarbrough, Columbia,
           5   1    winds.                             1961 Ford, 116, S900.            S.C., 1961 Ford, 67, $300.
  ..........................3   3   Despite the icy weather Satur­  7.  Vaughn Gerke, Beloit, Wis., 1965   33.  Tom Gale, McKeesport, Pa., 1964
   ........................2   5   day night long lines of fans were   Chevrolet, 115, $800.  Ford, 60, $300.
           2   4                                         8.  Joe Thurman, Rocky Mount, Va.,   34.  Dean Henley, Brooklet, Ga., 1961
  ..........................1........6   at the Speedway gates when they   1964 Chevrolet, 115, $750.  Ford, 57, $300.
  ..........................0   7  opened at 8 p.m. to admit those   9.  Billy Taylor, Yanceyville, N.C., 1960   35.  Pete Hamilton, Needham, Mass.,
  League            who wished to stay overnight       Ford, 114, $700.                  1964 Ford, 55, $300.
          Won Lost                                      10.  Carl Stevens, Rehobeth, Mass., 1964   36.  Mel Gillette, Howell, Mich., 1965
           7   1    in the infield.                    Ford, 113, $700.                  Oldsmobile, 53, $300.
           5   3      The entire Speedway area was      11.  Francis Harden, Wayne, Mich., 1963   37.  Maynard   Forette,   So. Hadley,
           2 6      aglow with the lights of the hun­  Mercury, 113, $550.               Mass., 1960 Ford, 48, $300.
  ..........................2 6                         12.  Gerald Chamberlain, Everett, Pa.,  38.  Norman'   Tingue,   Franklinville,
                    dreds of campers parked in the     1961 Ford, 112, $525.             N.Y., 1964 Dodge, 46, $300.
                                                                                          e9. Cecil Gordon, Horse Shoe, N.C.,
                                                        13.  Tiny Lund, Cross, S.C., 1961 Ford,
                    outside parking lot. Tents also    110, $475.                        1964 Chevrolet, 32, $300.
 >ses               were scattered over the area.       14.  Bob' Dobyns, Gordsonville, Va., 1964   40.  Bob James, Columbus, Ohio, 1964
                                                       Ford, 110, $425.                  Pontiac, 31, $300.
                                                        15.  Paul Connors, West Palm Beach,   41.  Frank Warren, Augusta, Ga., 1965
  gs                    TUCSON-                        Fla., 1964 Chevrolet, 110, $400.  Chevrolet, 26, $300.
                                                        16.  Bates Landreth, Orangeburg, S.C.,
                                                                                          42.  Hank Thomas, Winston-Salem, N.C.,
                                                                                         1964  Ford, 25, $300.
                                                       1964  Ford, 109, $400.
                                                        17.  Bruce Brantley, Chamblee, Ga.,  43.  Chuck Arnold, Baton Rouge, La.,
 -Georgia virtually   (Continued from Preceding Page)  1965  Dodge, 109, $375.           1961  Ford, 24, $300.
 I Vanderbilt out                                       18.  Walter Wallace, Nashville, Tenn.,  44.  Glen Guthrie, Temple Hills, Md.,
  onference basket­  of the players who qualified for the  1963  Ford, 109, $350.        1961 Ford, 22, $300.
                                                                                          45.  Ralph Arnold, Merced, Calif., 1965
                                                        19.  Gene Riniker, Riverside, Calif., 1965
 night with a late  final two rounds failing to post even  Chevrolet, 105, $325.         Dodge, 14, $300.
 jenhard and Ray  par or better for the first 54 holes.  20.  Ken Cross, Lynchburg, Va., 1963   46.  Jack Ethridge, Jacksonville, cla.,
 I the Bulldogs to   One stroke behind the foursome in  Ford, 105, $325.                 1965  Ford, T3, $300.
                                                        21.  Red Farmer, Hueytown, Ala., 1965
                                                                                          47.  Fred Hunt, Tracy, Calif., 1965 Chev­
 mph.             second place, at 10-under 206, were  Dodge, 96, $325.                  rolet, 10, $300.
  gia’s 6-foot-ll  Al Geiberger and young Jack Mont­    22.  Benny Kerley, Hiddenite, N.C., 1965   48.  Billy Scott, Union, S.C., 1961 Ford,
 I three free throws  gomery.                          Chevrolet, 86, $325.              9, $300.
                                                        23.  Carl Horton, Grifton, N.C.,  1961
                                                                                          49.  Gus Linder, Pittsburgh, 1965 Chev­
 i bulldogs’ winning   Frank Boynton was all alone at 207,  Chevrolet, 85, $325.         rolet, 7, $300.
 i minutes, finished  while five players were grouped at  24.  Dick May, Brownsville, N.Y., 1964   Ford, 7, $300.
                                                                                          50.  Bill Champion, Norfolk, Va., 1964
 is had 22.       eight-under 208.                     Ford, 82, $325.
                                                        25.  Donnie Allison, Hueytown, Ala., 1960
                   No less than 21 players were within  Ford, 81, $325.                  Time of race—2 hours, 8 minutes, 11
 Ks34~            six strokes of Henning going into final  26.  Donald Bumgardner, Kings Mt.,   seconds.
                  round play Sunday when fair weather   N.C., 1961 Ford, 75, $300.        Winner's speed—140.423 m.p.h.
 i Win            and temperatures in the mid-70s are                                    New Smyrna Race              •
  — Miami’s Hur-           ★ ★ ★                    Curtis Turner                        Program Canceled
  106-93 basketball   Harold Henning    70-66-68—204
 >n Saturday night,   Bill Ogden        71-69-65—205   Featured In                        Promoters of the Late Model ■
                     Frank Beard
  s their 10th suc-   Bruce Crampton    68-71-66—205                                     Sportsman races at New Smyrna I
 feat.               Dale Douglass      72-63-70—205                                     Beach Speedway, after two ■
  will against the   Jack Montgomery    69-67-70—206   Sport Mag                         cancellations because of rain, gave °
                     Al Geiberger
 Hurricanes rushed   Frank Boynton      71-69-67—207                                     up the ghost Saturday night and ”
 f lead and then     John Schlee        70-69-69—208   The latest issue of Sports Illustrated   scotched the entire program.
 i 33 points in the  Darrell Hickok     71-69-68—208   Magazine features an article entitled   Cold weather and high winds J
                     Dave Marr          71-68-69—208                                     were given as the reasons for ■
                     Bob Shaw           73-65-70—207  “King of the Wild Road — Curtis Turn­
 rker, who hauled    George Knudson     70-67-71—208   er.”                              calling off the program Saturday ;
 red 34 points and   Dudley Wysong Jr   70-73-66—209   Turner is an old time stock car   night. The feature event was to »
                     Bob Lund
  Curnut picked up   Dick Lotz          71-68-70—209   driver. He’s unofficially retired since   have been a 100 lap race for «
 affair.             George Bayer       70-67-72—209   he totaled a Smokey Yunick Chevelle   a §5,000 purse.          ■
                     DeWitt Weaver      70-69-70—209                                  ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ r. x ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a h ■ . ■ h n ■ b ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ •!
                     Tommy Jacobs       69-68-72—209   last year at Atlanta, and other car
                     Fred Marti         74-69-67—210   owners don’t want to chance on giving
 linches             Ken Still          72-69-68—210                                  'Smoothie' Wins
                     Dick Martinez      71-70-69—210   him a ride.
                                                      The colorful former “moonshine
 Crown               Tony Jacklin       72-68-70—210   hauler,” as the magazine depicts him,   Rich Turf Cup
                     Deane Beman
                     John Lotz          68-70-72—210   has encountered other troubles in the
                     Lee Trevino
  (AP) — The fifth-   Kermit Zarley     72-71-67—211   past year. The hero of the mag article   MIAMI, Fla. (AP) — W. R. Beasley’s
 lidcats put down    Tom Weiskopf       71-71-69—211   lost his automobile driver’s license in   He’s A Smoothie, Canada’s champion
 am 96-83 Saturday   Chuck Courtney     71-70-70-211   his native North Carolina for traffic   horse last year, scored a neck decision
 jast a tie for the   SDick Lytle       70-71-70—211   violations and had his pilot’s license   over fast closing Irish Rebellion in
                     Bob Murphy Jr
  rence basketball   Jack McGowan       71-69-71—211   removed by the Federal Govt, for   the $91,200 Hialeah Turf Cup, longest
                     Bob McCallister    72-68-71—211                                   and richest grass race of the Florida
                     Charles Coddy      72-68-71—211   recklessly flying his plane. He made   season at Hialeah Saturday.
   clinch the title  Dave Stockton      68-69-74—211   an illegal landing near a church, then
   their last two    Jerry McGee        65-71-75-211   took off and “buzzed” it.        He’s A Smoothie, under Braulio Baeza
 !— Monday against   Howie Johnson      74-69-69—212                                   and packing 117 pounds, ran the 1V2
                     Bert Yancey
 Saturday against    Dave Marad         75-68-69—212                                  miles on the soft turf in 2:32 4-5
                     Labron Harris      73-68-71—212                                   and just lasted to turn back the
                     Reeves McBee       71-70-71—212   Skier Killy To                 challenge of Florida-bred Irish Rebel­
                     Terry Dill     ......... 72-67-73—212                            lion at 113 pounds with Angel Cordero
                     Sam Carmichael     71-73-69—213                                   Jr. riding.
  Tomoka             aEd Updegraff      73-70-70-213   Drive In Lemons                  The crowd of 25,682 made He’s A
                     Bert Greene
                     Dave Eichelberger    72-70-71—213   PARIS (AP) — Jean-Claude Killy,  Smoothie the choice and he returned
  Williams and Dr.   Lionel Hebert      72-70-71—213
 d up with a best    Rod Funseth        70-71-72—213   France’s triple gold medal winner in  $6.60, $3.40 and $2.60. Irish Rebellion
 [Best Ball Tourna-   Steve Eichstaedt    74-68-72—213   Alpine ski racing at the recent Grenoble  paid $4.80 and $3.20 while Flit-To was
                     Dick Rhyan
 s Saturday.         Bob Charles        69-71-73—213   Winter Olympics, plans to drive in   $3.20 to show.   _____
  65 was the team    Jim Gillis         76-64-73—213   the Lemans 24-hour automobile race.
 ming, Tip Murphy    Hugh Royer         73-71-70—214   Killy has signed with Scuderia  Steelers Meet Bengals
                     R. H. Sikes        71-72-71—214   Filipinetti of Geneva to team with
                     Jerry Mowlds       77-66-71—214                                    PITTSBURGH (AP) — The Pittsburgh
  :re the teams of   Terry Wilcox       70-72-72—214   Henri Greder of France at the wheel   Steelers said Saturday they will play
                     Larry Wood
 nderson and Greer   Bob Erickson       74-68-72—214   of a Chevrolet Corvette.        the newly franchised Cincinnati Bengals
 edge, Burt Beach    Dick Crawford      72-69-73—214   Last year, Killy and Bernard C ahi er   in a pro football exhibition game at
                     Billy Martindale-    72-69-73—214  of France won the grand touring class   Morgantown, W. Va., Aug. 25.
                                                    of the Tariat Florio race in Switzerland.
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