Page 2 - Combined_139_OCR
P. 2

Hr. Richard
                          Ifavesaber 11, 1970
                          rage 2

                          «viw the total iweato^ Wat far ®&y item that you think
                          vetcy ^sterpriees can use to advantage. 01 a regard. the check
                          rnrks ©a the list as, to »y best taxmledge, you have first call
                          on th® Use of the e^ulpsaent.

                          rlease contact ne by ^htme regarding your interests; and I will
                          give you specifics necessary for the transfer of the mterlai
                          to Randleman, Storch sarolim.

                                                                      uyotsus tmuas alamos

                                                                      U B. G0M1MM

                                     . firwse
                                     • Sbusefaoldw
                                     « wrtor
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