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                                                                    FOR RIGID   URETHANE FOAMS
                                                               WITH UL RATED    25-OR-LESS FLAME-SPREAD

                    Pluragard 601, a two-component rigid urethane spray system, produces foams
                    that carry a "25-or-less" flame-spread rating** label by Underwriters’
                    Laboratories. This UL label means that Pluragard 601-produced foam
                    exhibited no evidence of continued, progressive combustion and should
                    be suitable wherever local ordinances call for a 25 flame-spread rated

                    To qualify for the Underwriters’ Laboratories label, 1 1/2” and 3” thick­
                    nesses of foam based on the Pluragard 601 system were applied to three
                    substrate materials... 18 gauge uncoated steel; asbestos-cement board;
                    untreated, 1" by 4” nominal, tongue and groove Douglas fir lumber. These
                    substrates were chosen to represent non-combustible,                         materials;
                    non-combustible, HOH-conductive materials; and                         materials.
                    Foams were tested on the individual substrates in the Underwriters’
                    Laboratories tunnel furnace. In every instance, the foam-substrate combination
                    qualified for the Fire Hazard Classification Flame Spread Rating of
                    25-or-less compared to untreated red oak with a standard rating of 100,
                    signaling a breakthrough for spray-applied urethane foam insulation.
                    Throughout the testing it was noted that Pluragard 601-based foams offered
                    important protection to the substrates from the well as reg­
                    istering a zero fuel contribution.

                    Equally important, other physical properties of foam prepared with this
                    new system compare favorably with those of foams made from conventional
                    urethane spray systems. Pluragard 601-made foams have (as indicated in the
                    table on page 3): excellent thermal insulating properties, low moisture­
                    vapor permeability, high strength characteristics, low water absorption,
                    low friability, good hydrolytic, thermal and dimensional stability. They
                    are odorless and resistant to chemicals, weather, fungus, mildew, insects
                    and vermin. They adhere to all clean surfaces, including those that are
                    vertical or overhead, providing a permanently-based tough, seamless,
                    monolithic, leak-proof insulating barrier that won’t drip, sag, compact,
                    crumble or rot. Humid aging tests made at 100% relative humidity show
                    that very little dimensional change occurs. Conversely, at -20°F. this
                    foam exhibits negligible shrinkage. Pluragard 601 foam flexes easily with
                    thermal expansion and contraction and has more than twice the insulating
                    efficiency of the next best insulator on the commercial market.

                     * Trademark of Wyandotte Chemicals Corporation
                    ** Flame-spread rating, as used here, refers to measurement obtained according to
                       the ’Method of Test of Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials’
                       National Fire Protection Association No. 225; Underwriters* Laboratories No. 723;
                       American Society for Testing and Materials E-84.


                 These data are based on tests and information which we believe to be reliable. Whether or not these data are used is within the sole discretion
                 and judgment of the customer. Having no control over conditions of use, we make no representation of freedom from liability, including patent
                 liability, incident to the use of the products referred to, and disclaim any responsibility for damage or injury resulting therefrom.

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