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Tolylene Diisocyanate         Manufacturing Chemists' Association, Inc.                    Manual

             If the powder is not available,   be completely drained and all openings (for bungs,
               empty drums may be decontaminated by placing      plugs, removable heads, etc.) tightly closed with
               them in an open area out of doors and filling with   gaskets in place. Care should be taken that no
               water. Allow to stand at least 48 hours. Bungs    moisture is present because carbon dioxide forma­
               must not be replaced on drums containing water.   tion could rupture the drum.
            Spills Where Use of the Powder is        When metal drums are to be scrapped, they
                           U ndesirable                          should be steamed in a well ventilated area to convert
                                                                 any residual tolylene diisocyanate to solid urea.
                     In some cases the use of neutralizing powder   Drums should then be crushed or pierced to render
               is undesirable. An example of this would be when   them impossible for re-use.
               tolylene diisocyanate is running over process equip­
               ment or piping. The best method of handling this
               type of spill is to spray the isocyanate with a mixture   7.4  TANK TRUCKS
               of 50% ethanol, 40% water, and 10% concentrated     7.4.1   It is preferable that tank truck unloading
               ammonia solution. ‘This mixture will neutralize the   facilities be level and paved and so located that the
               isocyanate completely and will then evaporate, leav­  truck can be easily and safely maneuvered to the
               ing an odorless residue. Care should be exercised   unloading spot.
               in using this mixture as its vapors are flammable.
               The mixture should not be used where it could be     7.4.2  Ordinarily all operations concerning the
               ignited by an open flame or a spark. Ammonia      tank truck and its fittings, pumps, and hoses are the
               fumes will be given off, but these are not nearly as   responsibility of the tank truck operator. Therefore,
               objectionable as tolylene diisocyanate vapors.    the unloading operation should be carried out by
                                                                 properly instructed employees in cooperation with
                 A mixture of 10% aqueous ammonia containing     the driver.
               an emulsifying agent such as mahogany soap has also
               been used successfully. This mixture does not pre­   7.4.3  Truck brakes should be set and, if neces­
               sent the possible fire hazard introduced by the use   sary, the wheels blocked.
               of the ethanol-water-ammonia solution.
                                                                    7.4.4  The shipper should be consulted on proper
         o     7.3 DRUMS                                         unloading procedure.,

                 7.3.1   Handling
                                                                 7.5  TANK CARS
                   Drums should be unloaded and handled care­
               fully to prevent damage. Each shipment should be     7.5.1 Unloading
               carefully examined for leaking drums. If any is  The unloading of tank cars of tolylene
               found, it should be removed to some well ventilated   diisocyanate should be done only with competent
               area, preferably outdoors, and the contents trans­  supervision. Detailed recommendations regarding
               ferred to a suitable container.                   unloading procedures set forth in the Manufacturing
                                                                 Chemists’ Association Manual Sheet TC-4 is a de­
                   Workmen responsible for opening or closing
               drums should wear the appropriate protective equip­  pendable guide to assist unloaders in performing
               ment (see Section 5.2).                           this operation safely.
                 7.3.2  Emptying                              The following information should also
                                                                  be kept in mind:
                   Drums should be well-secured and blocked
               before emptying.                                       (a)  It may be necessary to heat the tank car
                                                                  before unloading tolylene diisocyanate. The 2,4
                   To remove the body plug from a drum of         isomer will begin to freeze out at about 70°F., and
               tolylene diisocyanate, the operator should use a   the entire contents of the tank car will solidify if
               bung or plug wrench. He should place the bung      the temperature is lowered. A 25-75 psi steam
               up, stQnd to one side, and face away during the    supply should be attached to the steam cpil on the
               operation. After the bung starts to loosen, it should   tank car, and the tolylene diisocyanate should be
               be given not more than one full turn. If internal   heated to 75-80° F. (24-27° C.)
               pressure exists, it should be allowed to escape to
               the atmosphere. After all pressure has been vented     (b)  It is essential that the tank car be padded
               off, the operator can loosen the plug further and   with a dry atmosphere at all times. If this is not
               remove it.                                         done, any water vapor that might be present will
                                                                  react with the isocyanate, forming a solid urea ma­
                 7.3.3  Disposal
                                                                  terial. This may result in plugging of lines and
         o         Metal drums to be returned to suppliers should   will result in loss of tolylene diisocyanate. Nitrogen


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