Page 10 - Combined_73_OCR
P. 10

Gross and Sekscienski (1) hav£ published an excellent summary of

                    some of the more common methods of correcting for blockage. As they

                    point out, all methods currently used were developed for the stream­

                    lined shapes generally used with aircraft and are not particularly well

                    suited to the study of the bluff automobile bodies.

                          Table II presents the blockage factors as calculated and/or mea­

                    sured using three of the methods outlined by Gross and Sekscienski.

                    Pope’s method is essentially a "catch-all" method to be used when all

                    othe   attempts to calculate or measure blockage have failed.             It is

                    expressed as,                     +            C X I

                                                   r— I
                    where                   Krf = Total blockage correction factor
                                            Am = Model projected cross-sectional
                                                  area (3.06 ft2)

                                            At = Test section area (64.5 ft2)

                    The correction obtained includes both wake and solid blockage               ffects

                    and is applied to the uncorrected dynamic pressure as shown.


                    where                   cr  = Actual test dynamic pressure

                                                = Uncorrected test dynamic pressure

                    Herriot’s (4) expansion on the work        of Thom (5) results in      the following

                     xpression for blockage at low Mach Numbers.

                                            Kt =         2K A. VM . 2C'D AM                     (3)
                                                            t3/2         4A

                    where                   K = Model    hape factor (.98)

                                            A = Tunnel to model shape factor (.863)

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