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   Swift Chemical     140         A DIVISION OF SWIFT & COMPANY
                                   1211 W. 22ND. ST., OAK BROOK, ILL. 60521 • PHONES: CHICAGO (312) 277-6100, OAK BROOK (312) 654-5200

                                                       BROMINEX 16OP

                                   Brominex 160P is a unique high molecular weight permanent
                     flame retardant that can be incorporated into many urethanes with­
                    out significantly affecting the physical properties.

                                   Its high purity and narrow molecular weight distribution
                    make it very helpful in formulating permanent flame retardancy
                     into flexible urethane foams.

                                   The light color of Brominex 160P is of particular impor­
                     tance for urethane based fabric coating applications. Other uses
                     include elastomers, adhesives, and integral skin foams.

                    Typical Analysis

                                   Bromine                     -  35%
                                   Phosphorous                 -  2.5%
                                   Hydroxyl number -               47.0
                                   Acid number                 -  .04
                                   Appearance                 - Straw colored clear liquid
                                   Brookfield Vise.           -    20,000 cp @ 25°C
                                   Specific Gravity           -    1.480 @ 25°C

                     Handling and Storage

                                   Brominex 160P has excellent storage stability at
                     temperatures up to 140°F. Momentary high temperatures such as
                     those found in foaming will not significantly affect the perfor­
                    mance of the flame retardant. Continuous exposure of Brominex 160P
                     to ultra violet -ight can cause gradual darkening.


                                   1 gal.       (12 lb. net)       lined cans
                                   5 gal.       (60 lb. net)       lined pails
                                 55 gal.        (600 lb. net) lined drums

             NONWARRANTY—The facts stated and the recommendations made herein are based on our own research and/or the research of others and are believed to be ac­
                 curate. No guaranty of their accuracy is made, however, and unless otherwise expressly provided in written contract, the products discussed are sold without
                 conditions or warranties, express or implied. Purchasers should make their own tests to determine the suitability of such products for their particular
                 purnose. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to be a recommendation to use or as a license to operate under or to infringe any existing patents.
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