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■ “
                                                                                                DAIfpril 15, 1968
    O- NAME                            DEFT.                       cr/jstcM                FLANT/OFFICE
     VL J. Kingscott                           3800                Engineering Office      Highland Park
   FROM - NAME                         DEPT.                       DIVISION                PL A NT/OFFICE
         W« Dawley                             3860                Engineering Office      Highland Park

   subject: Baee Aerodynamics Support by Chrysler, Huntsville

                  An agreement has been, reached with Chrysler, Huntsville for them to supply
                  the service of one (1) aerodynamicist far the remiiiS§r of this Budget
                  Year and for at least six (6) months of the next Budget Year for support
                  of the Race AerodynaidJFs Wind Tunnel Test Program. This"'man will be
                  available full time and will spend as much time as necessary in Detroit
                  under the direction of the /.expdynamic Group in the Air Conditioning
                  Laboratory o

                  Including the man’s time and travel expenses from April 22* 1968 to July 31.
                  1968* Huntsville estimates a cost of $10,072. It is understood that the
                  exact amount to be paid Huntsville is subject to negotiations via the
                  Financial Staff. The funds already allocated for the Race Aerodynamics
                  Program*for the balance of this Budget Year appear to be^dequate to
                  cover this expense assuming that tunnel testing charges are got billed
                  until after August 1, 1968: this would be consistent with present plans.
                  Funds                ’ .                         . iget sut                       * the
                  period through• January 8

                  Huntsville has expr^sed interest) zn providing permanent support for
                  our total Aerodynamic activity, and is looking on this initial involvement
                  as a means of developing contacts and experience in this specialized area.
                  Their broad experience in space aero^ylBmics and aerodynamic testing and
                  facilities should substantially enhance our capability in the automotive
                  aerodynamic field *

                  cc:    *  Bruns
                         0   Co Gleason
                        C L ,  W. Shank
                        hrt   J« Skopczynski


                                                                                                   APR 24 1968

                                                                                                   S & M Engineering
   HO-7879 RE'. 2-63
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