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      S solved by ELASTIC STOP’

                                                                      either of two ways. The body may be raised to   ^chanisms by
                                                                      reduce the lift or an underpan may be added
                                                                                                                  dy in proxim
                      For bolting two non-parallel sur­               to prevent the thick boundary layer.
                      faces, this two-piece, self-align­                The methods thus far discussed for reduc-
                      ing and self-locking fastener cuts
                      costs by eliminating spot facing                ing the drag and the lift of  a body have been
                      or milling operations.                          concerned primarily with   providing a less
                                                                      restricted path for the flow  of air between the
                                                                      undersurface and the ground. Similar results  3
                                                                      may be obtained by severely restricting the
                      For spring-mounted connections                  flow of air beneath the vehicle.
                      or dynamic balancing, this spec­
                      ial nut stays put, yet is easily ad­              The force on the cylinder that is uniformly
                      justed. (Flanged face eliminates                in contact with the surface varies only as the
                      need for extra washers.)                        pressures on its upper surface, but the net
                                                                      force on the other two cylinders also is af­
   r                                                                  fected by the pressures acting between them .
                                                                      and the ground plane. With the spoiler or re­
   K                 Locked anywhere on the bolt:                     striction located at the rear, the pressure exist- ’
   i                                                                  ing at the forward edge of the cylinder is free
                                                                      to act beneath the entire cylinder and since
                                                                      this pressure is high, the positive lift of the
                      On make-and-break adjustment
                      studs, this “thin-height” nut de­               body is increased no matter where the separ­  ' flow betwee
                      sign maintains accurate contact                 ation point is located. If the spoiler is located
                      gaps. It’s perfect where limited                at the front of the cylinder, the pressure exist­  e in which n<
                      clearance is a problem or for                                                               t in which tl
                      shear applications.                             ing at the rear is felt beneath the body. This   ist be consid
                                                                      pressure changes with the location of the flow
                                                                                                                  ;ed upon the
                                                                      separation point. When there is no flow sepa-
                                                                                                                  inder. As me
                                                       I Tj                                                       >ught into cc
                     to  For bolted connections requiring   § )                                                   lance of the
                      predetermined play or precision
                      positioning, Elastic Stop nuts do   (  i s                                                  body increa
                      not “travel” under vibration; yet                                                           ■atly increase
                                                                                                                  nt can prod
                      are readily re-positioned.      L    1               3                                      >ince raising
                                                                       L ift  co e fficie n t  —  2               :ause of the

                                                                                                                  ter course
                                                           •l ll           1                                      uld be tow
                      For rubber-insulated and cushion
                 10   mountings where the nut cannot                                                              itilated und<
                      be wrenched against a firm seat­                     0                                      erating on r
                      ing surface, the Elastic Stop nut
                      guarantees a secure connection.
                                                         ZTT                           150   135   120        90*—
                                                                                    Separation angle in degrees — O
                                                                             EFFECT OF SPOILER LOCATION ON       Hoerner, S. F.;
                                                                             LIFT OF SEMICIRCULAR CYLINDER      uthor; 1958.
                                                                             MOVING VERY CLOSE TO SURFACE
                                                                                                               '. Cornish, J. J.; “A
  tening problems, eliminating extra parts and operations .. .                                                  Roadster”; Aerophys\
                                                                                                                niv.; October 1965
  .ASTIC STOP® nut grips bolt threads with a perfect fit that will    ration, as in the case of potential flow, the pres­  Cornish, J. J., an<
  stress reversals, and seals against liquid seepage. By bringing     sure at the rear is the same stagnation pressure   istics of Forty-
                                                                      that is felt at the front of the cylinder. When,   No. 23, Missist
  firm contact, it eliminates wear-producing axial play. The smooth
                                                                      as in any real case, flow separation occurs on   'hite, Joseph F.;
  rdoes not distort or gall bolt threads. It is reusable many times,
                                                                      the body, the pressure at the rear is lower than   r presented at
  ning Problems on Industrial Equipment “Vibration-Proofed” with                                                  nt; 1960.
                                                                      at the front. It can be seen that this lower pres­
                                                                                                                  hlichting, H.;
                                                                      sure beneath the cylinder reduces the net lift   l.R.D. Report ;
  FASTENER DIVISION                                                   as the separation point moves forward. In the
  UT CORPORATION OF AMERICA                                           case of the semicircular cylinder, the net ef­
                                                                      fect is actually a negative lift for the more up­
  2330 Vauxhall Road, Union, New Jersey                                                                           acted from a pc
                                                                      stream separation points.
  he red nylon ring of reliability                                                                                neering Congr
                                                                        It can be seen that there are two separate
                                                                                                                  r 948B.
       Circle Service No. 125
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