Page 6 - Combined_140_OCR
P. 6

U.S. g;al)) is pumped by two radial pumps through a high-   The required quantity of cooling water, 10')0 m /h ('.' •
           eapacity air cooler which maintains test airflow at the re­  200 U.S. gal/hr) is cooled in a tower located ixm to un­
           quired temperature. The effective surface area of thus   wind runnel building.
                                   tc                              SIX-COMPONENT BALANCE - A billy air■>m "••<-
           ■mllcd cooler is about 5000  5  (53,820 sq ft) (projected area:
                                                                component floor balance (manufactured by Ph ?'/•. Au//-:/
           12.2 x 12.2 m (-10 x -10 ft)) and it is divided in its central
                                                                b g), in the form of a "floating" bal
           horizontal plane and consists of 16 individual elements.
                                                                for measuring the aerodynamic forces mid m mu-; '.. a -tin
           The structure of rhe cooler could be made relatively light
                                                                on test vehicles, The operating prii  i
                                                                                         ..J i
                                                                                    i _ ■
           as the cooling agent (trichlorcthylcnc), unlike the refriger­
                                                                has proved most efficient over /die Last few y.-arn (Sc •. ii/s.
          ant ITigen 22, is not subject to rhe Pressure Gas Regulation   3 and 4.)
          so that only relatively small pipe, thicknesses were required.  The wheels of the test vehicle arc secured to a floa'ing
             As fa.r as the. control of the. refrigeration system is con­  frame which is supported on the bnsc. fraiim of the b:ibmcer
          cerned. the. airflow must be cooled over the complete tem­  by means of four floating plates. The mourning pad; . >r die
           perature range (-30 C (-22 F) to+50 C (122F)) used in the   wheels lie. flush with the floor of the. working section. I'iie.
          climatic wind tunnel. This means that the refrigeration   polished floaime males arc located on top oi emm oth'-'
          system must be. controlled within wide limits. The operat­  in {’airs, so that the. upper plate is. always screwe-l to the
           ing principle of the- chosen method of control can be fol­  floating frame and th'-, lower one to the base Ira me. The
           lowed without, difficulty on the. diagram in Fig. 2. When   lower floating plates have cylindrical center holm; into which
          full refrigeration output is provided, the pneumatic slide
                                                                pressure oil (approximately 7 am (113.7 psim)) is forced
          valves 2 and 3 arc closed, while slide valve 1 is fully open.
                                                                with gear type pumps. 'Hie pressure oil flows out of die
           '1’he full circulated quantity is thus cooled in the evapora­
                                                                cylindrical chamber through the gap between the floating
          tor. At the other end of the scale, the regulating system
                                                                     so that a sup]
          has the function of defrosting the cooler which becomes   an inch is formed between the individual pairs of floating
          covered with ice in proportion to the initial humidity after   plates, thus permitting unobstructed movement of die float­
          the. guaranteed continuous operating period of 72hr. During
                                                                ing frame in the horizontal plane in relation to the base
          this process, slide valves 1 and 2 are closed and slide valve
                                                                frame. In this way, a perfect scparatioi of acrody
          3 is opened fully to pump hot trichlorethylene (up to 80 C   drag and side force is acliicved.
          (176 !■’)) into the cooler from heat exchanger 1. Normally,   'Hie floating frame is secured against the base frame with
          the control system operates between these two limits so that   three balance elements (for drag and side forces on the
          slide valve 2 performs the function of a metering valve and   front and rear axle) and three supports. 'Pile windforce de­
          determines the ratio of the volumes of the circulating to the   pendent displacement oi the flo.   me secured to tiie
          recooled cooling agent.                               test vehicle begins the measurin  process even thougii the
             Heat exchanger 1 performs another important function.  displacement itself may amount only to small fractious of
          With the heating system switched off, 15 m   i960 U. S.  an inch. The balance beam is withdrawn lrom ■ initial
                                                                horizontal position through a lever system as a. result o; dm
          gal) of trichlorethylene can be. stored in this heat exchanger
          at any desired temperature (between -40 C (-40 F) and   load dependent displacement, Hie act: cd weighin', o '.na­
          +80 C (176 F)) and fed into the cooling agent circuit through   tion is carried out in accordance with the zero me died, by
                                                                means of which the balance beam is returned to dw initial
          tile illustrated injector by dpenjn.g slide valve 3. Illis
                                                                horizontal position by displacing a sliding wei/.at. Tiiisg
          achieves a rapid change in temperature.
                                                                                       icement o
                                                                which initiated the measuring process.


          Fig. - A VW 1600 FL on the rotating six-component aero­
          dynamic balance. View in air flow direction of the working   Fig. 4 - View of tile nozzle from a VW 1600 TL. Square
          section cover, collector and corner vanes             steel frames arc fitted with turbul ■<. scr ens
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